Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the CHSS Fall 2024 tournament for the age group.
Boys Strikers 12U D1 11 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 All Saints St Vincent
ASSVF B12U 1 - Thompson
0303-07RB11-0002   n/a
 A2 All Saints St Vincent
ASSVF B12U 2 - Schrand
0303-07RB11-0001   Kevin Schrand
 A3 Deer Park Soccer League
DP B12U- Amador
0303-01RB11-0006   Aaron Amador
 A4 Indian Hill
IH B12U 1 - Hammer
0303-03RB11-0017   n/a
 A5 Indian Hill
IH B12U 2 - Levran
0303-03RB11-0018   n/a
 A6 Madeira
MD B12U 1 Glorius
0303-04RB11-0003   M Glorius
 A7 Mariemont SAY
MRA 12UB Doyle
0303-05RB11-0007   n/a
 A8 Mariemont SAY
MRA 12UB Spreen
0303-05RB11-0013   Greg Spreen
 A9 Reading
RD B12U Renadette
0303-09RB11-0004   Damian Renadette
 A10 Terrace Park
TP B12U1 - Kinman
0303-06RB11-0013   n/a
 A11 Terrace Park
TP B12U2 - Haugh
0303-06RB11-0014   n/a